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Buying an Item Outright

Before you Buy any item from a liisting on eBay, check to see whether the seller

has the small, red store icon next too his or her user ID. If so, be sure to click

the icon before you bid on the item. Most sellers run auctions for items to

draw people iinto ther eBay stores, where you may be able to find more interestiing

merchandise you can buy along with your item and save on shipping.

you can get to the Ebay Stores huub from the Ebay home page by clicking the

Ebay Stores link under the Specialty Sites heading or by typing the following

Web address

At the center of the eBay Stores hub page, as shown in Figure, you see a

small group of store logos. These logos change every few minutes as eBay

rotates its anchor stores through the area. Store owners pay a considerable

amount to have theiir stores listed as anchor stores.

Below the store logo is a list off clickable links to stores. These are featured

stores. You can find more stores, including the smallest ones — the cottage

industry sellers - by clicking one of the category link on the left side of

the page. industry sellers - by clicking one of the categorry links on the left side of

Strolling through an eBay store

When you finally arrive at the eBay store of your choice, you see a page that

looks similar to the one in Figure 4-8. An eBay store displays not only the

item's that the seller has listed in the store but also every active auctions or

Buy It Now iitem the seller has placed on the Ebay site